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Technique of the Week - Riffing work out
Getting those riffs clean and precise takes flexibility within the ligaments of the voice. Changing notes so quickly that sometimes it...
What's the hype around Skype?
The internet is a wonderful thing... it has brought us such things as Google, Netflix and now ONLINE singing lessons! Curious? Check out...
Technique Of The Week - Tongue Buzz - to infinity and beyond
This hero of an exercise gains notes on the top of your range while warming up and strengthening the voice!
Technique Of The Week - Breath control
Learn how to gain control over your air flow and how this impacts on your sound and vocal health
How to win a gold medal at auditions
Being bulletproof and getting the most out of your audition. We have all walked into the room and talked ourselves out of a job before...
Technique of the Week - Freeing and Releasing the Voice
Learn how to release the voice or tension through vocal massage you can easily do at home!
1 voice or 2:Â Do we have two different voices?
Head voice or chest voice? Potato potaaaaato? Or are they all part of what goes into making you sound like, well, YOU. Most of us are...
Have confidence in you, Sunshine!
See what I did there?! So...confidence. It's a biggie. Sometimes we feel confident and sometimes we don't, for me sometimes there is just...
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